How Does Acupuncture Relieve Pain?
The Scientific Explanation
Over the years research has shown that acupuncture stimulates a variety of biological systems, such as the release of pain killing neurotransmitters called endorphins that block pain receptors. It activates and releases anti-inflammatory chemicals, relaxes immobile myofibrils in muscle tissue and increases local blood supply.
The Traditional Chinese Explanation
Traditional acupuncture theory is based on an energetic model rather than a biochemical model. In the tradition of Chinese medicine pain results from the blockage of Qi (vital energy) in the energy channels called meridians and stagnation of blood flow. Qi moves through the meridian channels like streams in a systematized pattern and carries vital energy to the muscles, tissues, and organs throughout the body. Pain and inflammation result when the flow of chi and blood in an area of the body becomes obstructed. By stimulating points along the channels acupuncture removes the obstruction and restores the normal flow of energy through an area thereby promoting healing and relieving pain.
Why 5 Element?
5 Element Acupuncture is involved with restoring nature's balance by seeking out the deficiencies in various organ systems and constitutional habit patterns and accumulated life trauma. When root causes rather than symptoms are addressed our self healing nature is enhanced.
Acupuncture of this style addresses each individual as the unique person that they are. Signs and symptoms point to where one can be helped best with each treatment. Plan on spending up to 2 hours in the first session so that treatment planning is personalized and addresses a wide variety of your specific complaints.
The acupuncturist treats the distribution, stagnation and obstruction of the flow of Qi and blood that predispose a patient to pain and injury and inhibit healing and recovery. Many patients experience a reduction in pain and inflammation, an increase in flexibility and function, and improved health and performance in a relatively short time with 5 Element Acupuncture. The risk of reoccurrence or re-injury is greatly reduced by the removal of the predisposing structural and constitutional imbalances.
Over the years research has shown that acupuncture stimulates a variety of biological systems, such as the release of pain killing neurotransmitters called endorphins that block pain receptors. It activates and releases anti-inflammatory chemicals, relaxes immobile myofibrils in muscle tissue and increases local blood supply.
The Traditional Chinese Explanation
Traditional acupuncture theory is based on an energetic model rather than a biochemical model. In the tradition of Chinese medicine pain results from the blockage of Qi (vital energy) in the energy channels called meridians and stagnation of blood flow. Qi moves through the meridian channels like streams in a systematized pattern and carries vital energy to the muscles, tissues, and organs throughout the body. Pain and inflammation result when the flow of chi and blood in an area of the body becomes obstructed. By stimulating points along the channels acupuncture removes the obstruction and restores the normal flow of energy through an area thereby promoting healing and relieving pain.
Why 5 Element?
5 Element Acupuncture is involved with restoring nature's balance by seeking out the deficiencies in various organ systems and constitutional habit patterns and accumulated life trauma. When root causes rather than symptoms are addressed our self healing nature is enhanced.
Acupuncture of this style addresses each individual as the unique person that they are. Signs and symptoms point to where one can be helped best with each treatment. Plan on spending up to 2 hours in the first session so that treatment planning is personalized and addresses a wide variety of your specific complaints.
The acupuncturist treats the distribution, stagnation and obstruction of the flow of Qi and blood that predispose a patient to pain and injury and inhibit healing and recovery. Many patients experience a reduction in pain and inflammation, an increase in flexibility and function, and improved health and performance in a relatively short time with 5 Element Acupuncture. The risk of reoccurrence or re-injury is greatly reduced by the removal of the predisposing structural and constitutional imbalances.
AARON GOLDSTEIN, M.Ac. • 808-357-1034 • 3545a Lanihou Pl. Kihei, HI • 96753 • [email protected]